
@protocol MGLOfflineRegion <NSObject>

An object conforming to the MGLOfflineRegion protocol determines which resources are required by an MGLOfflinePack object.

  • URL of the style whose resources are required for offline viewing.

    In addition to the JSON stylesheet, different styles may require different font glyphs, sprite sheets, and other resources.

    The URL may be a full HTTP or HTTPS URL or a Mapbox URL indicating the style’s map ID (mapbox://styles/{user}/{style}).



    @property (readonly, nonatomic) NSURL *_Nonnull styleURL;


    var styleURL: URL { get }
  • Specifies whether to include ideographic glyphs in downloaded font data. Ideographic glyphs make up the majority of downloaded font data, but it is possible to configure the renderer to use locally installed fonts instead of relying on fonts downloaded as part of the offline pack. See MGLIdeographicFontFamilyName setting. Also, for regions outside of China, Japan, and Korea, these glyphs will rarely appear for non-CJK users.

    By default, this property is set to YES, so that the offline pack will include ideographic glyphs.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic) BOOL includesIdeographicGlyphs;


    var includesIdeographicGlyphs: Bool { get set }