@interface MGLShapeOfflineRegion
: NSObject <MGLOfflineRegion, NSSecureCoding, NSCopying>
An offline region defined by a style URL, geographic shape, and range of zoom levels.
var coordinates = [
CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 45.522585, longitude: -122.685699),
CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 45.534611, longitude: -122.708873),
CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 45.530883, longitude: -122.678833)
let triangle = MGLPolygon(coordinates: &coordinates, count: UInt(coordinates.count))
let region = MGLShapeOfflineRegion(styleURL: MGLStyle.lightStyleURL, shape: triangle, fromZoomLevel: 11, toZoomLevel: 14)
let context = "Triangle Region".data(using: .utf8)
MGLOfflineStorage.shared.addPack(for: region, withContext: context!)
This class requires fewer resources than MGLTilePyramidOfflineRegion for irregularly shaped regions.
The minimum zoom level for which to download tiles and other resources.
For more information about zoom levels,
-[MGLMapView zoomLevel]
@property (readonly, nonatomic) double minimumZoomLevel;
var minimumZoomLevel: Double { get }
The maximum zoom level for which to download tiles and other resources.
For more information about zoom levels,
-[MGLMapView zoomLevel]
@property (readonly, nonatomic) double maximumZoomLevel;
var maximumZoomLevel: Double { get }
Initializes a newly created offline region with the given style URL, geometry, and range of zoom levels.
This is the designated initializer for
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithStyleURL:(nullable NSURL *)styleURL shape:(nonnull MGLShape *)shape fromZoomLevel:(double)minimumZoomLevel toZoomLevel:(double)maximumZoomLevel;
init(styleURL: URL?, shape: MGLShape, fromZoomLevel minimumZoomLevel: Double, toZoomLevel maximumZoomLevel: Double)
URL of the map style for which to download resources. The URL may be a full HTTP or HTTPS URL or a Mapbox URL indicating the style’s map ID (
). Specifynil
for the default style. Relative file URLs cannot be used as offline style URLs. To download the online resources required by a local style, specify a URL to an online copy of the style.shape
The shape of the geographic region to be covered by the downloaded tiles.
The minimum zoom level to be covered by the downloaded tiles. This parameter should be set to at least 0 but no greater than the value of the
parameter. For each required tile source, if this parameter is set to a value less than the tile source’s minimum zoom level, the download covers zoom levels down to the tile source’s minimum zoom level.maximumZoomLevel
The maximum zoom level to be covered by the downloaded tiles. This parameter should be set to at least the value of the
parameter. For each required tile source, if this parameter is set to a value greater than the tile source’s minimum zoom level, the download covers zoom levels up to the tile source’s maximum zoom level.