Other Constants

The following constants are available globally.

  • An NSUInteger constant used to indicate an invalid cluster identifier. This indicates a missing cluster feature.



    extern const NSUInteger MGLClusterIdentifierInvalid


    let MGLClusterIdentifierInvalid: UInt
  • An NSNumber object containing a floating-point number that specifies the width and height (measured in points) at which the map displays each raster image tile when the map’s zoom level is an integer. The raster tile source scales its images up or down when the map’s zoom level falls between two integers.

    The default value for this option is 512. Version 4 of the Mapbox Maps API requires a value of 256, as do many third-party tile servers, so consult your provider’s documentation for the correct value.

    This option is only applicable to MGLRasterTileSource objects; it is ignored when initializing MGLVectorTileSource objects.



    extern const MGLTileSourceOption _Nonnull MGLTileSourceOptionTileSize


    static let tileSize: MGLTileSourceOption
  • A version number identifying the default version of the Mapbox Streets style obtained through the MGLStyle.streetsStyleURL method. This version number may also be passed into the +[MGLStyle streetsStyleURLWithVersion:] method.

    The value of this constant generally corresponds to the latest released version as of the date on which this SDK was published. You can use this constant to ascertain the style used by MGLMapView and MGLTilePyramidOfflineRegion when no style URL is specified. Consult the Mapbox Styles API documentation for the most up-to-date style versioning information.


    The value of this constant may change in a future release of the SDK. If you use any feature that depends on a specific aspect of a default style — for instance, the minimum zoom level that includes roads — you may use the current value of this constant or the underlying style URL, but do not use the constant itself. Such details may change significantly from version to version.



    static const NSInteger MGLStyleDefaultVersion = 11


    let MGLStyleDefaultVersion: Int
  • Indicates an error occurred in the Mapbox SDK.



    extern const NSErrorDomain _Nonnull MGLErrorDomain


    let MGLErrorDomain: String
  • An NSString identifying the linear interpolation type in an NSExpression.

    This attribute corresponds to the linear value in the interpolate expression operator in the Mapbox Style Specification.



    extern const MGLExpressionInterpolationMode _Nonnull MGLExpressionInterpolationModeLinear


    static let linear: MGLExpressionInterpolationMode
  • An NSString identifying the expotential interpolation type in an NSExpression.

    This attribute corresponds to the exponential value in the interpolate expression operator in the Mapbox Style Specification.



    extern const MGLExpressionInterpolationMode _Nonnull MGLExpressionInterpolationModeExponential


    static let exponential: MGLExpressionInterpolationMode
  • An NSString identifying the cubic-bezier interpolation type in an NSExpression.

    This attribute corresponds to the cubic-bezier value in the interpolate expression operator in the Mapbox Style Specification.



    extern const MGLExpressionInterpolationMode _Nonnull MGLExpressionInterpolationModeCubicBezier


    static let cubicBezier: MGLExpressionInterpolationMode