
open class Route: NSObject, NSSecureCoding

A Route object defines a single route that the user can follow to visit a series of waypoints in order. The route object includes information about the route, such as its distance and expected travel time. Depending on the criteria used to calculate the route, the route object may also include detailed turn-by-turn instructions.

Typically, you do not create instances of this class directly. Instead, you receive route objects when you request directions using the Directions.calculate(_:completionHandler:) method. However, if you use the Directions.url(forCalculating:) method instead, you can pass the results of the HTTP request into this class’s initializer.

  • An array of geographic coordinates defining the path of the route from start to finish.

    This array may be nil or simplified depending on the routeShapeResolution property of the original RouteOptions object.

    Using the Mapbox iOS SDK or Mapbox macOS SDK, you can create an MGLPolyline object using these coordinates to display an overview of the route on an MGLMapView.



    open let coordinates: [CLLocationCoordinate2D]?
  • The number of coordinates.

    The value of this property may be zero or reduced depending on the routeShapeResolution property of the original RouteOptions object.


    This initializer is intended for Objective-C usage. In Swift code, use the coordinates.count property.



    open var coordinateCount: UInt
  • Retrieves the coordinates.

    The array may be empty or simplified depending on the routeShapeResolution property of the original RouteOptions object.

    Using the Mapbox iOS SDK or Mapbox macOS SDK, you can create an MGLPolyline object using these coordinates to display an overview of the route on an MGLMapView.


    coordinates must be large enough to hold coordinateCount instances of CLLocationCoordinate2D.


    This initializer is intended for Objective-C usage. In Swift code, use the coordinates property.



    open func getCoordinates(_ coordinates: UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>)



    A pointer to a C array of CLLocationCoordinate2D instances. On output, this array contains all the vertices of the overlay.

  • An array of RouteLeg objects representing the legs of the route.

    The number of legs in this array depends on the number of waypoints. A route with two waypoints (the source and destination) has one leg, a route with three waypoints (the source, an intermediate waypoint, and the destination) has two legs, and so on.

    To determine the name of the route, concatenate the names of the route’s legs.



    open let legs: [RouteLeg]
  • Undocumented



    open class Route: NSObject, NSSecureCoding
  • The route’s distance, measured in meters.

    The value of this property accounts for the distance that the user must travel to traverse the path of the route. It is the sum of the distance properties of the route’s legs, not the sum of the direct distances between the route’s waypoints. You should not assume that the user would travel along this distance at a fixed speed.



    open let distance: CLLocationDistance
  • The route’s expected travel time, measured in seconds.

    The value of this property reflects the time it takes to traverse the entire route under ideal conditions. It is the sum of the expectedTravelTime properties of the route’s legs. You should not assume that the user would travel along the route at a fixed speed. The actual travel time may vary based on the weather, traffic conditions, road construction, and other variables. If the route makes use of a ferry or train, the actual travel time may additionally be subject to the schedules of those services.



    open let expectedTravelTime: TimeInterval
  • RouteOptions used to create the directions request.

    The route options object’s profileIdentifier property reflects the primary mode of transportation used for the route. Individual steps along the route might use different modes of transportation as necessary.



    open let routeOptions: RouteOptions