
The following classes are available globally.

  • A Directions object provides you with optimal directions between different locations, or waypoints. The directions object passes your request to the Mapbox Directions API and returns the requested information to a closure (block) that you provide. A directions object can handle multiple simultaneous requests. A RouteOptions object specifies criteria for the results, such as intermediate waypoints, a mode of transportation, or the level of detail to be returned.

    Each result produced by the directions object is stored in a Route object. Depending on the RouteOptions object you provide, each route may include detailed information suitable for turn-by-turn directions, or it may include only high-level information such as the distance, estimated travel time, and name of each leg of the trip. The waypoints that form the request may be conflated with nearby locations, as appropriate; the resulting waypoints are provided to the closure.

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    open class Directions: NSObject
  • A Route object defines a single route that the user can follow to visit a series of waypoints in order. The route object includes information about the route, such as its distance and expected travel time. Depending on the criteria used to calculate the route, the route object may also include detailed turn-by-turn instructions.

    Typically, you do not create instances of this class directly. Instead, you receive route objects when you request directions using the Directions.calculate(_:completionHandler:) method. However, if you use the Directions.url(forCalculating:) method instead, you can pass the results of the HTTP request into this class’s initializer.

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    open class Route: NSObject, NSSecureCoding
  • A RouteLeg object defines a single leg of a route between two waypoints. If the overall route has only two waypoints, it has a single RouteLeg object that covers the entire route. The route leg object includes information about the leg, such as its name, distance, and expected travel time. Depending on the criteria used to calculate the route, the route leg object may also include detailed turn-by-turn instructions.

    You do not create instances of this class directly. Instead, you receive route leg objects as part of route objects when you request directions using the Directions.calculate(_:completionHandler:) method.

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    open class RouteLeg: NSObject, NSSecureCoding
  • A RouteStep object represents a single distinct maneuver along a route and the approach to the next maneuver. The route step object corresponds to a single instruction the user must follow to complete a portion of the route. For example, a step might require the user to turn then follow a road.

    You do not create instances of this class directly. Instead, you receive route step objects as part of route objects when you request directions using the Directions.calculate(_:completionHandler:) method, setting the includesSteps option to true in the RouteOptions object that you pass into that method.

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    open class RouteStep: NSObject, NSSecureCoding
  • A Waypoint object indicates a location along a route. It may be the route’s origin or destination, or it may be another location that the route visits. A waypoint object indicates the location’s geographic location along with other optional information, such as a name or the user’s direction approaching the waypoint. You create a RouteOptions object using waypoint objects and also receive waypoint objects in the completion handler of the Directions.calculate(_:completionHandler:) method.

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    open class Waypoint: NSObject, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding