• The MGLAccountManager object provides a global way to set a Mapbox API access token.

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    @interface MGLAccountManager : NSObject


    class MGLAccountManager : NSObject
  • An MGLMapCamera object represents a viewpoint from which the user observes some point on an MGLMapView.

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    @interface MGLMapCamera : NSObject <NSSecureCoding, NSCopying>


    class MGLMapCamera : NSObject, NSSecureCoding, NSCopying
  • An interactive, customizable map view with an interface similar to the one provided by Apple’s MapKit.

    Using MGLMapView, you can embed the map inside a view, allow users to manipulate it with standard gestures, animate the map between different viewpoints, and present information in the form of annotations and overlays.

    The map view loads scalable vector tiles that conform to the Mapbox Vector Tile Specification. It styles them with a style that conforms to the Mapbox Style Specification. Such styles can be designed in Mapbox Studio and hosted on mapbox.com.

    A collection of Mapbox-hosted styles is available through the MGLStyle class. These basic styles use Mapbox Streets or Mapbox Satellite data sources, but you can specify a custom style that makes use of your own data.

    Mapbox-hosted vector tiles and styles require an API access token, which you can obtain from the Mapbox account page. Access tokens associate requests to Mapbox’s vector tile and style APIs with your Mapbox account. They also deter other developers from using your styles without your permission.

    Adding your own gesture recognizer to MGLMapView will block the corresponding gesture recognizer built into MGLMapView. To avoid conflicts, define which gesture recognizer takes precedence. For example, you can subclass NSClickGestureRecognizer and override -[NSGestureRecognizer shouldRequireFailureOfGestureRecognizer:], so that your subclass will be invoked only if the default MGLMapView click gesture recognizer fails:

    class MapClickGestureRecognizer: NSClickGestureRecognizer {
        override func shouldRequireFailure(of otherGestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer) -> Bool {
            return otherGestureRecognizer is NSClickGestureRecognizer


    You are responsible for getting permission to use the map data and for ensuring that your use adheres to the relevant terms of use.
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    @interface MGLMapView : NSView


    class MGLMapView : NSView
  • The MGLMapViewDelegate protocol defines a set of optional methods that you can use to receive messages from an MGLMapView instance. Because many map operations require the MGLMapView class to load data asynchronously, the map view calls these methods to notify your application when specific operations complete. The map view also uses these methods to request information about annotations displayed on the map, such as the styles and interaction modes to apply to individual annotations.

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    @protocol MGLMapViewDelegate <NSObject>


    protocol MGLMapViewDelegate : NSObjectProtocol
  • An image generated by a snapshotter object.

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    @interface MGLMapSnapshot : NSObject


    class MGLMapSnapshot : NSObject
  • The options to use when creating images with the MGLMapSnapshotter.

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    @interface MGLMapSnapshotOptions : NSObject


    class MGLMapSnapshotOptions : NSObject
  • An MGLMapSnapshotter generates static raster images of the map. Each snapshot image depicts a portion of a map defined by an MGLMapSnapshotOptions object you provide. The snapshotter generates an MGLMapSnapshot object asynchronously, passing it into a completion handler once tiles and other resources needed for the snapshot are finished loading.

    You can change the snapshotter’s options at any time and reuse the snapshotter for multiple distinct snapshots; however, the snapshotter can only generate one snapshot at a time. If you need to generate multiple snapshots concurrently, create multiple snapshotter objects.

    For an interactive map, use the MGLMapView class. Both MGLMapSnapshotter and MGLMapView are compatible with offline packs managed by the MGLOfflineStorage class.

    From a snapshot, you can obtain an image and convert geographic coordinates to the image’s coordinate space in order to superimpose markers and overlays. If you do not need offline map functionality, you can use the Snapshot class in MapboxStatic.swift to generate static map images with overlays.


    let camera = MGLMapCamera(lookingAtCenter: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 37.7184, longitude: -122.4365), fromDistance: 100, pitch: 20, heading: 0)
    let options = MGLMapSnapshotOptions(styleURL: MGLStyle.satelliteStreetsStyleURL(), camera: camera, size: CGSize(width: 320, height: 480))
    options.zoomLevel = 10
    let snapshotter = MGLMapSnapshotter(options: options)
    snapshotter.start { (snapshot, error) in
        if let error = error {
        image = snapshot?.image
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    @interface MGLMapSnapshotter : NSObject


    class MGLMapSnapshotter : NSObject