
@interface MGLMapSnapshotter : NSObject

An MGLMapSnapshotter generates static raster images of the map. Each snapshot image depicts a portion of a map defined by an MGLMapSnapshotOptions object you provide. The snapshotter generates an MGLMapSnapshot object asynchronously, passing it into a completion handler once tiles and other resources needed for the snapshot are finished loading.

You can change the snapshotter’s options at any time and reuse the snapshotter for multiple distinct snapshots; however, the snapshotter can only generate one snapshot at a time. If you need to generate multiple snapshots concurrently, create multiple snapshotter objects.

For an interactive map, use the MGLMapView class. Both MGLMapSnapshotter and MGLMapView are compatible with offline packs managed by the MGLOfflineStorage class.

From a snapshot, you can obtain an image and convert geographic coordinates to the image’s coordinate space in order to superimpose markers and overlays. If you do not need offline map functionality, you can use the Snapshot class in MapboxStatic.swift to generate static map images with overlays.


let camera = MGLMapCamera(lookingAtCenter: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 37.7184, longitude: -122.4365), fromDistance: 100, pitch: 20, heading: 0)

let options = MGLMapSnapshotOptions(styleURL: MGLStyle.satelliteStreetsStyleURL(), camera: camera, size: CGSize(width: 320, height: 480))
options.zoomLevel = 10

let snapshotter = MGLMapSnapshotter(options: options)
snapshotter.start { (snapshot, error) in
    if let error = error {

    image = snapshot?.image