Type Aliases

The following type aliases are available globally.

  • An azimuth measured in degrees clockwise from true north.

    This is a compatibility shim to keep the library’s public interface consistent between Apple and non-Apple platforms that lack Core Location. On Apple platforms, you can use CLLocationDirection anywhere you see this type.

  • A distance in meters.

    This is a compatibility shim to keep the library’s public interface consistent between Apple and non-Apple platforms that lack Core Location. On Apple platforms, you can use CLLocationDistance anywhere you see this type.

  • A latitude or longitude in degrees.

    This is a compatibility shim to keep the library’s public interface consistent between Apple and non-Apple platforms that lack Core Location. On Apple platforms, you can use CLLocationDegrees anywhere you see this type.

  • A geographic coordinate.

    This is a compatibility shim to keep the library’s public interface consistent between Apple and non-Apple platforms that lack Core Location. On Apple platforms, you can use CLLocationCoordinate2D anywhere you see this type.

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  • A JSON array of JSONValue instances.

  • A JSON object represented in memory by a dictionary with strings as keys and JSONValue instances as values.

  • A latitude or longitude measured in radians, as opposed to LocationDegrees, which is measured in degrees of arc.

  • A difference in latitude or longitude measured in radians, as opposed to CLLocationDegrees, which is used by some libraries to represent a similar distance measured in degrees of arc.

  • A segment between two positions in a LineString geometry or Ring.